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  • Writer's pictureMaris Altma

Venice Child Kangaroo

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Eesti kärumaailm on juurde saanud ühe huvitava käru. Käru on pärit Ameerikast, Venice linnast Californiast, selletõttu ka selline nimi.

Käru raam on tehtud vastupidavast alumiiniumist(military gradeaviation aluminium), mis pidavat olema kriimustuste kindel ja roostevaba. Kaarvarju materjal on SPF50, veekindel ja hallituskindel.Mulle meeldib, et firma usub, et oma lõbuks loomade tapmine ei ole aktsepteeritav. Mis tähendab, et kõik materjalid on öko sõbralikud ning lükkesangal kui ka turvakaarel on nahaimitatsioon.

Sain käru testida ja mulle ta väga meeldis. Mingisugused väikesed sarnasused Priamile on, kuid mõlemad on üksteisest siiski väga erinevad. Nimelt Kangaroo raamil on lukustus! Whoop, whoop! Raamil, kus istumisosa adapterid tulevad, on üks pisikene nupp, millele vajutades avaneb käru lukustus. Kokku pannes, lukustub ise ära. Lükkesangal vajutad nupule ja lükkad lükkesanga täiesti sisse, kus ta kinnitub naga külge ning tõmbad sarnaselt Priamile rattad kokku. Tõsi, on lisa liigutus aga vähemalt fikseerib selle raami ära. Pakikorv on ka parem, ei saja vihma sisse. Priamil oli eest võrguga ja mitmeid kordi SSS istmega sadas vihm puhtalt sisse. Mäletasin tõstsin poisi istmega ümber keset paduvihma, et mul seal ujulat ei tekiks. Miinuseks võiks öelda Kangaroo pakikorvi kohta, et ava, kust asju sisse panna on veidi pisikene. Positiivne see, et pakikorvi täis ladudes ei käi vastu esirattaid, nagu Priamil. Miinuseks võiks lugeda, et kuna iste on lohuga, siis väga kompaktseks ühes tükis kokku ei käi, küll aga eraldi pannes on võimalik sättida ta päris kompaktseks.


  • kaal: 10kg;

  • kandevõime: Euroopa nõuete kohaselt 15kg, tootja poolt 25kg;

  • pakikorvi kandevõime: 5kg;

  • Istme kogupikkus: 100cm;

  • Käru laius: 60cm;

  • pikendatav kaarvari;

  • teleskoop lükkesang;

  • lükkesanga max kõrgus: 105cm;

  • mõõdud kokkupanduna: 55x60x115cm (on palju lühem, kui iste eemaldada);

  • Beebikorvi kaal: 3,6kg;

  • Korvi pikkus ja laius: 86cm ja 38cm;

  • NSS/SSS;

  • 5 punkt rihmad;

  • Istmel on 3 positsiooni (istuv, poollamav ja lamav);

  • Iste on lohuga (sobilik alates 6ndast elukuust);

  • garantii: 5 aastat;

  • Vedrustus on sama nagu Bugaboo kärudel ´´shock absorbing wheels´´.

Turvahälli adapterid ühilduvad: Graco, Cybex, Safety 1st, Maxi Cosi, Chicco, Nuna, Mountain Buggy, Britax jne. (on veel teisigi, kuid need täiesti võõra nimega, vajadusel saab vaadata sobivust SIIT).

Mis käruga kaasa tuleb?

Põhimõtteliselt kõik tuleb kaasa. Iste, beebikorvi riie, putukavõrk, vihmakile, turvakaar, soojakott, turvahälli adapterid ja topsihoidja.

Käru välimuselt meeldib mulle väga. Alguses kui nägin, tekkis kohe seos Cybex Priami vahel aga kasutades sain aru, et nad on ikka kaks väga erinevat käru. Esiteks, Kangaroo on Priamist 3kg kergem! See tähendab, et Kangaroo on kergkäru oma 10kg kaaluga, mis tähendab, et temaga saab vabalt minna otse lennukini.

Lükkesangal on teleskoopsangale omapärane väike lõgin juures. Käru liikus erinevatel maastikel üsna hästi, siiski ta on pigem linnakäru, et kui ma elaks kusagil väikeses maakohas, siis ma väga ei sõidaks temaga seal kruusateel. Kuulsin ka, et sügisel on tulemas mingisugused rattad, mis pidavat siis lumes hakkama saama.

Minu poiss on 100cm pikk ja mahtus kärusse väga ilusasti ära. Võib tunduda, et kaarvari on tal seljas, kuid tegelikult see ei seganud. Kui laps magama jäi, siis tõmbasin kaarvarju peale ja lasin istme lamavasse. Mis mulle endale lohuga istme juures meeldib on see, et kui laps on juba päris pikk, siis lohuga istmes, kui panna ta lamavasse, siis tal jalad ei ripu üle ääre. Minu poisil on loll komme visata jalad üle ääre ja magada nagu boss, siis saan aru miks paljud eelistavad lohuga istet, kui laps on üle 90cm pikk, sest seal tal jalad on paigas.

Ma kahjuks pilti ei saanud teha, kuna olin üksinda, kuid katsetasin trepist vedamise süsteemi ära. Tartus olles, mul vanaisa korter on teisel korrusel ning laps magas kärus. No ei tahtnud teda kuidagi üles ka äratada, mistõttu panin istme istuvasse asendisse ja tõmbasin rattad kokku. Kindlasti turvarihm panna käe ümber ja seejärel tõmbasin käru trepist üles. Sama süsteemi saab kasutada rannas liiva sees. Kui ma elaks korteris, kus lifti ei oleks, siis taoline variant oleks absoluutselt taevalik.

Käru liigub hästi, hea manööverdus ja väga kerge. Iste on on polsterdusega, mis teeb lapsel istumise mugavaks ja ilmselt korraliku õhutusava tõttu minu laps ei higistanud seal mitte kordagi. Kärul on mõnus stiilne välimus, materjalid on kvaliteetsed ja kaarvari on tugevama konstruktsiooniga, et ei ole selline löta-löta.

Turvarihmad on 5 punkt, mis tähendab, probleemideta soojakoti ja istmepehmenduse külge panekut. Jalatoe juures olev kummisemast materjalist osa on hästi kerge puhastada ja ulatab piisavalt kõrgele, isegi kui laps on lühem.

Turvakaar käib nupule vajutades küljele lahti. Kõiki rattaid on kerge eemaldada ja esirattad on lukustatavad.

Pidur on plätu sõbralik, käies kergelt lahti ja kinni. Mõnus vaheldus Thule omale, mida on ikka raske maha võtta.

Kokkuvõttes käru mulle meeldib. Ta on ilusa välimusega, nahkdetailid on alati olnud minu suurim nõrkus, eriti pruunid.

Postitus valminud koostöös Babyshopiga

____________________________________________________________ Venice Child is a relatively new company, founded in 2010 and located in Venice, California. That’s where the company’s name originates from.

The stroller’s frame is made of high-grade polished aviation aluminum to prevent corrosion and rusting. The canopy is SPF50+ and waterproof. I very much like that the company has a “no killing of animals” policy, meaning means that all their materials are eco-friendly, including bumper bar and handlebar, having faux leather.

I was able to test the Kangaroo for a while and I really liked it. There are a few similarities to the Cybex Priam, however, in general, they are very different from each other. For example, the Kangaroo has an automatic frame fixation when you fold the stroller.

There is a small button next to the adapters where you place the seat. So when you want to unfold the stroller you just push the button and unfold the stroller. Indeed it is an additional movement but I think it is worth it because many Priam owners struggle to get the stroller into the trunk. The Kangaroo’s storage basket is really good compared to the Priam’s because it is closed unlike the Priam’s, where the front of the basket is open. Many times I had the problem that it kept raining constantly even when I used the rain cover. While Priam’s basket opens up quite large therefore Kangaroos basket opening is fixed so you cannot kind of put a large thing into it at once. When Priam has a basket full of things it keeps rubbing into the front wheels, Kangaroo does not have this problem. Because the type of the seat Kangaroo has, it does not go very compact while folded but if you remove the seat it will go quite compact.


  • Weight (including the seat): 10kg;

  • Baby basket weight: 3,6kg;

  • Seat weight capacity: EU regulations: 15kg; manufacturer: 25kg;

  • Baby basket weight capacity: 9kg;

  • Storage basket weight capacity: 5kg;

  • Seat full length: 100cm;

  • Back wheels width: 60cm;

  • Extendable canopy;

  • Baby basket length and width: 86cm and 38cm;

  • 5 point harness;

  • Warranty: 5 years;

  • Seat has 3 recline positions;

  • Folded measurements: 55x60x115cm;

  • Suspensions: shock absorbing wheels;

  • Push handle max height: 105cm;

  • Seat is RF (rear facing) and FF (forward facing);

  • Seat is not suitable for babies who do not sit by themselves (approx . under 6 months).

Infant car seat adapters compatible with: Graco, Cybex, Safety 1st, Maxi Cosi, Chicco, Nuna, Mountain Buggy, Britax, etc. You can find the full list HERE.

What’s in the box?

Basically everything you need: Seat, baby basket, insect net, rain cover, bumper bar, footmuff, infant car seat adapters, and cup holder.

I love the design of the stroller. I would say it is a hybrid between Bugaboo Buffalo and Cybex Priam. The fact that it is 3kg lighter than those two makes it a lightweight stroller with a total weight of 10kg.

The telescoping handlebar rattles slightly but that is very common for telescoping handlebars. The stroller moves on different terrains fairly well although I would say it is first and foremost a city stroller because it is not that comfortable on gravel roads. I have heard that this upcoming autumn they will release bigger front wheels making it easier to move on snow and harsher terrains.

My son is 100 cm tall and he fits well into the stroller. It might appear as if the canopy is too low but that is not the case. When pulling it open it is actually not touching his head or negatively affecting his sitting position. When he fell asleep I just pulled the hood down and reclined the seat. What I love about this bucket type of seat is that my son’s legs do not hang over the edge. While sitting in a flat surface seat my son likes to throw his legs over the sides. That makes it difficult and uncomfortable to move around in the city and it affects other people that try to pass.

The Kangaroo has two-wheel positions for sandy beaches and stairs. I tried it on the stairs and , went to the second floor while my son was sitting there. The seat has to be forward-facing, your hands have to be inside the safety straps and your child has to have the safety belts on (they should be on anytime you place your child inside). It was definitely a better option than carrying him in one hand and the stroller in the other. If I would live in an apartment with no elevator it would definitely be my choice.

The stroller moves really well and has very good maneuverability and it is super light. I love that the seat is padded because it makes it cozy to sit in. In the canopy, one panel meshes so a hot summer day it is ideal for a child to sleep under and as a parent you do not have to worry about your child overheating in the stroller. The Kangaroo has a really neat style, quality materials and its canopy have a proper stiffness that keeps it in place even on windy days.

It has an adjustable padded 5-point harness with center release buckle, meaning it is very easy to attach any Voksi and Nordlys footmuff. On the leg rest, there is a rubber lining material that is easy to clean.

The bumper bar is swing-away and removable faux leather. All wheels are removable and the front wheels are lockable.

The foot brake is what I would call “flip flop friendly”. It is really a breath of fresh air compared to the Thule, which is really tough and noisy to unlock.

Overall I love this stroller. It has a super chic design, a quality seat, and top frame materials. And I absolutely love the brown leather details on the bumper and handlebar. I truly have a weak spot for that. The price of EUR 855 is fantastic for what you get.

Venice Child has an official website (LINK) in Europe where you can order it inside of the EU with full warranty.

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